How to Use the registered_taxonomy Hook in WordPress: A Comprehensive Guide

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The registered_taxonomy hook in WordPress is an important action hook that is triggered when a taxonomy is registered in WordPress. Taxonomies are an essential part of WordPress, allowing content (posts, pages, custom post types) to be grouped and organized based on categories, tags, or custom taxonomies. The registered_taxonomy hook provides an opportunity for developers to execute code whenever a new taxonomy is registered, which can be useful for custom functionality, logging, modifying taxonomy data, or extending the taxonomy registration process.

In this comprehensive guide, we will cover everything you need to know about the registered_taxonomy hook in WordPress. This will include its purpose, how and when to use it, practical examples, and best practices.

What is a Taxonomy in WordPress?

Before diving into the details of the registered_taxonomy hook, it’s important to understand what a taxonomy is in WordPress. A taxonomy is a way of grouping content together based on shared characteristics. The most common taxonomies in WordPress are:

  • Categories: A hierarchical taxonomy used to group posts by topic.
  • Tags: A non-hierarchical taxonomy used to describe the content of posts with keywords.
  • Custom Taxonomies: Developers can create their own taxonomies to categorize custom post types. For example, a “Genre” taxonomy for a custom “Books” post type.

What is the registered_taxonomy Hook?

The registered_taxonomy hook is fired after a taxonomy has been successfully registered with WordPress. It allows developers to execute custom functions at the point when the taxonomy is officially registered, which is useful if you want to perform additional actions like logging, validation, or extending the taxonomy registration process.

This hook is triggered by the register_taxonomy() function, which is used to register both default taxonomies (like categories and tags) and custom taxonomies created by developers for custom post types.

When is the registered_taxonomy Hook Fired?

The registered_taxonomy hook is triggered after a taxonomy has been registered but before any actions related to the taxonomy, like term creation or querying, are performed. It is fired at the end of the register_taxonomy() function, meaning it’s available to developers who want to add custom functionality immediately after a taxonomy is registered.

The hook provides a means to interact with the taxonomy after it has been registered but before WordPress begins using it in full. This makes it a valuable tool when you need to execute some custom logic right after registering a taxonomy.

Syntax of the registered_taxonomy Hook

The syntax of the registered_taxonomy hook is as follows:

do_action( 'registered_taxonomy', string $taxonomy, array $args );
  • $taxonomy (string): The name of the taxonomy that is being registered.
  • $args (array): An array of arguments used to register the taxonomy, such as labels, hierarchical status, and other settings.

To hook into this action, you can use the add_action() function:

add_action( 'registered_taxonomy', 'your_custom_function', 10, 2 );

Here, your_custom_function will be executed when a taxonomy is registered, with the taxonomy name and its arguments passed to it.

How to Use the registered_taxonomy Hook

To use the registered_taxonomy hook, you need to define your callback function and attach it to the hook. This function will receive two parameters: the name of the taxonomy being registered and the arguments used to register the taxonomy.

Example 1: Logging Registered Taxonomies

In this simple example, we’ll log each taxonomy that gets registered, including its name and the arguments used for registration. This can be useful for debugging or tracking taxonomy registration on your site.


add_action( 'registered_taxonomy', 'log_registered_taxonomies', 10, 2 );

function log_registered_taxonomies( $taxonomy, $args ) {
// Log taxonomy name and arguments to the debug log
if ( defined( ‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’ ) && WP_DEBUG_LOG ) {
error_log( ‘Taxonomy registered: ‘ . $taxonomy );
error_log( ‘Arguments: ‘ . print_r( $args, true ) );

In this example:

  • The log_registered_taxonomies function is hooked into registered_taxonomy.
  • The function writes the taxonomy name and arguments to the WordPress debug log.

Example 2: Modify Taxonomy Arguments Dynamically

You can also use the registered_taxonomy hook to modify the arguments used when registering a taxonomy. This could be useful for dynamically altering the taxonomy registration, for example, adding or removing capabilities or labels.


add_action( 'registered_taxonomy', 'modify_taxonomy_args', 10, 2 );

function modify_taxonomy_args( $taxonomy, $args ) {
// Check if the taxonomy is ‘category’
if ( ‘category’ === $taxonomy ) {
// Modify the taxonomy arguments dynamically
$args[‘hierarchical’] = true;
$args[‘show_ui’] = true;
$args[‘show_admin_column’] = true;

// Register the modified taxonomy
register_taxonomy( $taxonomy, ‘post’, $args );

In this example:

  • We check if the taxonomy is ‘category’.
  • If it is, we modify its arguments to ensure the taxonomy is hierarchical and displayed in the WordPress admin.

Example 3: Automatically Create Default Terms When a Taxonomy is Registered

Another common use case for the registered_taxonomy hook is to automatically create default terms whenever a custom taxonomy is registered. For example, you might want to create a default “Uncategorized” term for your custom taxonomy when it is registered.


add_action( 'registered_taxonomy', 'create_default_terms', 10, 2 );

function create_default_terms( $taxonomy, $args ) {
// Only create default terms for our custom taxonomy ‘genre’
if ( ‘genre’ === $taxonomy ) {
// Check if the term ‘Uncategorized’ exists
if ( ! term_exists( ‘Uncategorized’, ‘genre’ ) ) {
// Create the default ‘Uncategorized’ term
wp_insert_term( ‘Uncategorized’, ‘genre’ );

In this example:

  • We check if the taxonomy being registered is ‘genre’.
  • If it is, we check if the ‘Uncategorized’ term already exists for that taxonomy and, if not, create it automatically.

Example 4: Registering a Custom Taxonomy and Using the registered_taxonomy Hook

Let’s walk through a full example where we register a custom taxonomy and use the registered_taxonomy hook to perform additional actions after the taxonomy is registered.

// Register a custom taxonomy
function register_genre_taxonomy() {
$args = array(
'labels' => array(
'name' => 'Genres',
'singular_name' => 'Genre',
'public' => true,
'hierarchical' => true,
'show_ui' => true,
'show_admin_column' => true,
'show_in_rest' => true,
// Register the custom taxonomy for the ‘book’ post type
register_taxonomy( ‘genre’, ‘book’, $args );
add_action( ‘init’, ‘register_genre_taxonomy’ );// Use the registered_taxonomy hook to perform actions after the ‘genre’ taxonomy is registered
add_action( ‘registered_taxonomy’, ‘after_genre_taxonomy_registered’, 10, 2 );function after_genre_taxonomy_registered( $taxonomy, $args ) {
if ( ‘genre’ === $taxonomy ) {
// Log when the ‘genre’ taxonomy has been registered
error_log( ‘Custom Genre taxonomy has been registered.’ );// Create default terms for the ‘genre’ taxonomy if they don’t exist
if ( ! term_exists( ‘Fiction’, ‘genre’ ) ) {
wp_insert_term( ‘Fiction’, ‘genre’ );
}if ( ! term_exists( ‘Non-Fiction’, ‘genre’ ) ) {
wp_insert_term( ‘Non-Fiction’, ‘genre’ );

In this example:

  • We register a custom taxonomy called genre for a custom post type book.
  • We then hook into registered_taxonomy and check if the registered taxonomy is ‘genre’.
  • If it is, we log a message and create default terms like ‘Fiction’ and ‘Non-Fiction’.

Best Practices for Using the registered_taxonomy Hook

  1. Check the Taxonomy Name: Always check the taxonomy name in your callback function to ensure that you are only executing code for the taxonomy you are interested in.
  2. Modify Taxonomy Arguments Carefully: If you are modifying the taxonomy arguments within this hook, make sure you re-register the taxonomy with the modified arguments. Avoid conflicts with other hooks that might alter the same taxonomy.
  3. Use the Hook for Post-Registration Actions: The registered_taxonomy hook is ideal for actions that should occur after the taxonomy is registered, such as creating terms, logging data, or extending functionality.

Troubleshooting and Debugging

  • Log Everything: If your code isn’t executing as expected, use error_log() to log useful information, such as the taxonomy name and its arguments.
  • Ensure Proper Hook Priority: Ensure that you are using the appropriate hook priority (default is 10). If you’re trying to execute code later or earlier, adjust the priority accordingly.
  • Check for Conflicts: Ensure that no other code is interfering with the taxonomy registration process, especially if you’re modifying arguments or re-registering a taxonomy.


The registered_taxonomy hook is an invaluable tool for developers working with custom taxonomies in WordPress. It gives you an opportunity to perform additional actions immediately after a taxonomy is registered, such as logging, modifying arguments, or creating default terms. By using this hook effectively, you can enhance your taxonomy registration process and ensure your site operates as intended.

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