The activate_plugin hook in WordPress is a useful feature that allows developers to execute a function when a plugin is activated

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The activate_plugin hook in WordPress is a useful feature that allows developers to execute a function when a plugin is activated. This hook is triggered after the plugin is successfully activated in the WordPress admin panel, making it an ideal place to run setup tasks, like creating necessary database tables, adding default settings, or performing any other actions that should occur when the plugin is enabled.

In this detailed guide, we will explore everything you need to know about the activate_plugin hook in WordPress. This includes its usage, practical examples, and best practices.

What is the activate_plugin Hook?

The activate_plugin hook in WordPress is triggered whenever a plugin is activated. It is typically used by developers to perform certain actions upon the activation of a plugin, such as initializing settings, creating tables in the database, or setting up default options.

It is important to note that the activate_plugin hook only works when a plugin is manually activated from the WordPress admin dashboard. The hook does not fire when plugins are activated via the command line interface (CLI) or other means.

How to Use the activate_plugin Hook

To use the activate_plugin hook, you need to hook into WordPress’s plugin activation process. This is done by using the register_activation_hook() function, which takes the plugin file path and a callback function to be executed upon activation.

Syntax of register_activation_hook()

register_activation_hook( string $file, callable $function );
  • $file (string): The path to the plugin file relative to the root of the WordPress installation. It is typically the main plugin file.
  • $function (callable): The callback function that will be executed when the plugin is activated.

Example 1: Simple Plugin Activation Example

Let’s start by creating a simple plugin that uses the activate_plugin hook to execute a function when the plugin is activated. In this example, we will create a plugin called “Simple Activation Example” that writes a log message when activated.

Step 1: Create the Plugin File

Create a new file called simple-activation-example.php in the wp-content/plugins directory.

* Plugin Name: Simple Activation Example
* Description: A simple plugin to demonstrate the use of the activate_plugin hook.
* Version: 1.0
* Author: Your Name
// Hook to run on plugin activation
function simple_activation_example() {
// Log activation message to a file
$log_file = plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . ‘activation.log’;
$message = ‘Simple Activation Example plugin has been activated!’;

file_put_contents( $log_file, $message . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND );

// Register the activation hook
register_activation_hook( __FILE__, ‘simple_activation_example’ );

Step 2: Activate the Plugin

Once you upload the simple-activation-example.php plugin file to the wp-content/plugins directory, go to your WordPress admin dashboard, navigate to Plugins > Installed Plugins, and activate the “Simple Activation Example” plugin.

When the plugin is activated, it will create an activation.log file in the plugin directory with the message “Simple Activation Example plugin has been activated!”.

Example 2: Creating a Database Table on Plugin Activation

In many cases, plugins need to create custom database tables to store data. We can use the activate_plugin hook to set up such database tables when the plugin is activated.

Step 1: Create the Plugin File

* Plugin Name: Database Table Example
* Description: A plugin to demonstrate creating a custom database table on activation.
* Version: 1.0
* Author: Your Name
// Create a custom database table on activation
function create_custom_table() {
global $wpdb;

// Set the table name and the character set
$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . ‘custom_table’;
$charset_collate = $wpdb->get_charset_collate();

// SQL query to create the table
$sql = “CREATE TABLE $table_name (
id mediumint(9) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
name varchar(100) NOT NULL,
description text NOT NULL,
) $charset_collate;”

// Include the required WordPress file to run the query
require_once( ABSPATH . ‘wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php’ );

// Execute the query
dbDelta( $sql );

// Register the activation hook
register_activation_hook( __FILE__, ‘create_custom_table’ );

Step 2: Activate the Plugin

Upload the database-table-example.php file to your wp-content/plugins directory, then activate it from the WordPress admin dashboard. After activation, the plugin will create a new table in your WordPress database called wp_custom_table, which contains id, name, and description columns.

Example 3: Adding Default Options to Plugin Settings

Many plugins allow users to configure settings upon activation. You can use the activate_plugin hook to add default settings to your plugin’s options table when it is first activated.

Step 1: Create the Plugin File

* Plugin Name: Default Options Example
* Description: A plugin to demonstrate setting default options on activation.
* Version: 1.0
* Author: Your Name
// Set default options upon plugin activation
function set_default_plugin_options() {
if ( false === get_option( ‘default_plugin_option’ ) ) {
// Default options for the plugin
$default_options = array(
‘enable_feature’ => true,
‘background_color’ => ‘#ffffff’,
‘show_welcome_message’ => true

// Add default options to the WordPress options table
add_option( ‘default_plugin_option’, $default_options );

// Register the activation hook
register_activation_hook( __FILE__, ‘set_default_plugin_options’ );

Step 2: Activate the Plugin

Upload the default-options-example.php file and activate the plugin. Once activated, the plugin will add an option named default_plugin_option to the WordPress options table with default values for enable_feature, background_color, and show_welcome_message.

Best Practices for Using activate_plugin

  1. Avoid Changing Data During Activation: Avoid performing actions that modify user data, as these can lead to unexpected outcomes. The activation hook should be used primarily for tasks like creating tables, adding default settings, or adding data necessary for the plugin’s operation.
  2. Check for Existing Data: Always check if certain settings or database tables already exist before adding them again to prevent errors when the plugin is deactivated and reactivated.
  3. Use dbDelta() for Database Changes: If your plugin needs to create or modify database tables, use the dbDelta() function rather than raw SQL queries to ensure the database structure is updated safely without data loss.
  4. Make It Idempotent: Ensure that the code inside the activation hook is idempotent, meaning running it multiple times won’t produce unintended side effects.

Troubleshooting and Debugging

  • Log Activation Process: For debugging, it is helpful to log messages during the activation process. You can use error_log() to write logs to the debug file or create a custom log file.
  • Check for Errors in Plugin Files: If the plugin does not activate properly, check the wp-content/debug.log file (if enabled) to identify any errors related to the activation hook.


The activate_plugin hook in WordPress is an essential tool for plugin developers who need to perform certain actions during the activation process. It is perfect for tasks like creating database tables, adding default settings, or initializing necessary data structures. By understanding how to use this hook effectively, you can ensure that your plugins are correctly set up and ready to use immediately after activation.

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